Hi there! 9.43 pm in here, Bekasi.
Today was so exhausting but exciting. I thought no one pay much attention to me, but Thank God my you introduced me with some angels in my life 😊
Back to the plane. Yes, the giant flying metal that brought me to London was quite comfy. I kept watching movie, again, and again. Forgot how many movie did I watch, probably 5? The rest of it, I slept or ate. Could you imagine how many kilogram my weight after this flight ? I wouldn't try to count. But my sister said, no matter how bored I'd be, just sleep because the flight was counter clockwise with my biological time, so I'd find no dark sky when I looked at the window. But it was hard not to say bored, my body refused to sleep. Furthermore my tummy started rumbling when we passed the Europe land, I didn't know why, just felt little bit unwell. Maybe it was related to physiological changing, I didn't get it too serious though. My brain then insisted the body to sleep. It worked, but for while, less than I wanted to. So when my plane passed through Netherlands, it was about 4 PM, I barely couldn't sleep. The excitement was getting crazy, the fact was I'll arrive at Heathrow airport at 7 PM. I still have three hours to fulfill my sleeping safe !
At 6 PM, London sky was clearly bright (summer) and the plane was nearly landing to the huge airport. Wow, it was faster than I expected ! Unfortunately it took a long time to reach the right parking place, more or less 60 minutes. So basically it was still on schedule for the arriving time. Unlike Changi, Heathrow has 5 terminals and much more crowded. As if it was 1 hour faster for real, I didn't need to hurry for moving to the next terminal. I was trying to keep calm and walk toward the immigration as usual . Suddenly, some people came pass through me and run to the immigration gate. "What the....? Slow down, dude" I thought. Not longer after that, few more people run again with the same purpose and they were from the same plane like me. Well, I thought panic was permitted now and run as well. SURPRISINGLY, yes it was truly surprise, I knew the reason of running people just now. The queue in immigration for non-EU and non-UK citizen was 5 times longer than the EU and UK citizen. I was critically desperate, "Dear me, can I reach the next flight on time?"
More or less 8.10 PM, London time, I finally finished my immigration check. I was at the terminal 3, meanwhile my next flight was at the terminal 5. No time to think, I just run and follow the sign to move terminal. Thank God there was a free tube between terminal in Heathrow. But please don't get the wrong track or you'll lose your flight, therefore
please listen carefully to any announced information. As I remember, there was two tubes which would pass by terminal 3 in direction to terminal 5, but one of them was heading to terminal 4. I was luck again, the right tube to terminal 5 arrived precisely when I reached the station. I got in and took a relax breath for about 4 minutes before I (probably) run again.
I was right, when I was alighting from the tube, everyone from the same train was running. "Gosh, since when I was a sprinter???" I kept running. In the second floor of terminal 5, my eyes was scanning the space to find the security area before the boarding gate. Oh, the area was obviously seen from a far and valid for any flight. At the moment I was heading there, my body quickly stopped by a massive screen that showed every flight in this terminal. I was mesmerized due to its size and annoyed at the same time because the schedules on it were switching very fast. I had a hard time to find my British Airways to Glasgow. Even more I was not sure, was it on time with unknown gate or delayed? I need to hurry, indeed.
The only picture I could take in Heathrow, inside the tube. |
8.30 PM, London time, the security check on me was just begun and I wasn't that lucky. I forgot to throw my half-full water bottle (more than 100ml), so I must take out every single thing in my backpack. What a shame, when the security officer search my bag, she can found a lot of "bumbu pecel" and souvenirs, Indonesian typical 😆 Thank God, it just spent 10 minutes.
After I was claimed "clear", I went straight to British Airways counter to make sure if my flight was delayed or still on schedule.
cs: "The flight to Glasgow, with flight number BA-xxxx is delayed for one hour
I was terribly happy, tears almost dropped, ANOTHER MIRACLE IS HAPPENING IN MY LIFE.
y:"Would you show me which gate exactly my flight will be boarded?"
cs: "I'm sorry, but the exact gate usually showed 15 minutes before boarding time"
y: "15 minutes? .... isn't there any range of gate?"
cs."Wait a minute, let me check for a while. For your flight to Glasgow, usually it will take the gate between 15 to 20"
y:"...................15 to 20? Okay. Thank you."
Well, it's quite some for a range. I checked it immediately and found a proper seat in the center of the gates, near the flight screen, so I can enjoy Heathrow without missing any information. Sleepy head, untold tiredness on the whole leg, lack of battery made my condition perfect. I couldn't turn on neither my internet, mp3 nor camera. Or else, I couldn't call my brother when I arrived at Glasgow.
9.30 PM GMT, the sky still red just like the sunset had just finished. It was complicated, the head was getting harder to up but I can't use my mp3. In the other hand, I urgently need it to keep me awake. If I converted the time to Indonesia's, it should be 5.30 AM 😕 No wonder I felt heavily tired because my biological clock was still set up in Indonesia and I was like having no sleep for that day.
I lost my awareness when I got in the BA plane. I just slept along the 2 hours flight. When I woke up, my brain was ready for daily working, but my whole body refused it.Despite all drama I had been through, the point is, WELCOME IN SCOTLAND, DEAR ME. Be nice there, big girl !
........... (
to be continued)