Thank God for making my pray come true :--) great moments passed me recently. Everyone were smile because of happy, so did I. If there were tears, it might be about being apart with new friends... I am really sorry for being so annoying and make you uncomfortable because of my manners or words. I hope we can meet again as soon as possible.
It start from my internship in Kebun Raya Bali, a place that worth to be proud by every Indonesian people. Then every weeks I have can go everywhere I want. 1st and 3rd week is family time, 2nd week with the Bali Interns Gang (weird name, sorry :p), and my last week being intern is closed with Kebun Raya Gang in the peace of Mount Batur.
Family. They are the most precious thing I have in the world. They always accept me no matter happened. Love them much <3
In a beautiful beach we spent time together and dazzled by shoaling fish, for sure. won't go back to routine and time walking slower were our hope in that day.
Happy birthday Angel! We hope you'll always be blessed in your new age. I just realized that you should call me "Bude" or older aunty ahahahahahahaha >< although I am still 20.
Begonia team
Human Relation Development Team
Great friends, thank you very much for the experiences. Hope you will always walk in the right way until reach your dreams Mbak putri going to exploration, Putri & Arwani will have a big field for agriculture, and I'll build my marine botanical garden as soon as possible. Amin :--)
The chapter in Kebun Raya is over. Time to turn the story about volunteering IBO 2014. Fortunately, it has been held in Bali - Indonesia for this year
Yeah, I got the Portuguese and I AM PROUD OF YOU GUYS!! Ana, Laura, Raquel, Francisco: all of you are very good guys, very strong, brave, and kind heart. After this two weeks, I never regret to meet you and give all my trust. Although it was the first time you joined IBO, you've done very well result, 2 bronze medal... you're the heroes of Portugal! For the next IBO, please teach your junior and tell everything they should know so they can make a better result in 2015 :D

Last but not least, friendship with the other guide is the most memorable. Glad to see you guys! Hope you'll always succeed on your way. I knew it's hard to back in routine after these 13 days of holidays muahahaha but another adventure is waiting for you. Congratulation for the ones who'll get bachelor title this August aaaaa :') Just call me whenever you want or we want meet up someday. hihihi keep contact!