Jumat, 26 Desember 2014
Senin, 22 Desember 2014
Good morning mom!
My wishlist today: I were in my hometown, having some laughs with beloved mom and dad.
Every single day, I love you mom :)
Jumat, 12 Desember 2014
"Wah, hujan!"
Berkali-kali dia jatuh, tetapi dia selalu tau cara untuk kembali meskipun harus melalui waktu yang lama dan perjalanan jauh.
Seolah-oleh dia menghapus semua gelisah dan ragu, memaksa untuk tenang sejenak.
Dia membuat seluruh isi Bumi menari bahagia karena mengetahui Tuhan masih menyayangi mereka.
Dia mampu mengaburkan semua jalan dan berkata, "nikmati semua dengan hati, bersyukurlah".
Bagaikan ada ikatan transparan yg hanya terlihat antara 2 pasang mata ketika bertemu.
Hanya bersamanya kita bisa bertemu.
Kamis, 06 November 2014
Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014
Happy girl
Smiley face, sharpen look, kind big-heart and the only laugh she has ever known.
On the side of bluish estuary she can see all of them.
Under the stars roof she can truly feel and fall despite of them.
It doesnt matter whether sunrise or sunset.
As long as he is fine and stand beside her, she will be the happiest girl then.
The rain is coming. She is happy, so does the plants.
For her, every tears from rain means guide.
She didnt expect to much about the same feeling, anyway.
It hurts if really didnt.
But please her to say, "I miss you, much"
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014
Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014
Gift from Scotland
Good night people. The day is almost changed and I am badly tired. Start from early morning until night, there were always something must to do. Not only my last project, but also the other. Now I have to wake up every hour because of those (again). I want waste my tears actually but I think it would ruin my energy too.
"If the others have good achievements, you have it too yaya. Remember your name is Ria, means happy. You were born to be happy, smile everytime, and having unlimited spirit," - selftalking, motivation.
Thank you very much to my Great God whose gave hands anytime I need, include this moodbooster came from Aberdeen.love this sist :)
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014
I felt like playing around on the beach, then suddenly the comulunibus came... mess up everything near me.
Trying to pretend nothings happened but It's too hard.
All is well
"Seperti hadirmu di kala gempa
Jujur dan tanpa bersandiwara
Teduhnya seperti hujan di mimpi
Berdua kita berlari."
I still didnt get this song meaning. But everytime I hear it, my imagination always stop at the time we spent together or just...two of us. Where are you? It has been more than a week. I hope all is going well, amin.
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014
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This journey strat from here. 04.30 at Kutoarjo Train Station. Small place but high activities |
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Me, Gontek, Aurin, Irfan, Aji (Counter clockwise) |
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Kalibiru, a proper place for seeing Sermo lake - Wates |
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Wedi Ombo Beach, a complete beach (lots of corals, estuary, sands) which is directly face the Hindia Ocean |
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Twins! Puyu (Left) & Me (Right) |
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Touring team (Me, Aurin, Rista, Puyu, Aji, Gontek), counter clockwise |
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Cloudy sunset from Wedi Ombo |
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Patiently wait until we can only see dark and red |
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We are the queens of routine escape! HAHAHA |
Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014
It hurts. everytime I passed them, I can only shut and smile. No much times anymore, just a lucky times. I have already missed you guys. For the next 1 & half month, just reduce complaining, keep grateful, & be patient for yourself.
IF YOU W.I.L.L , then YOU C.A.N.
Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014
"In the end, we will conserve what we love.
We will love what we understand.
And we understand what we are taught." - a quote from Baba Dioum.
In my opion, it's kinda base of human act, how do we live for life. Mostly, we'll work or think because there's something important to us. In one word, we called it selfish.
Deeply sorry for being so selfish mother Earth. #GoPlantTenTrees
Senin, 06 Oktober 2014
"Dia datang saat hujan reda
Semerbak merekah namun sederhana
Dia bertingkah tiada bercela
Siapa kuasa
Dia menunggu hingga kujatuh
Terbawa suasana
Dia menghibur saat kurapuh
Siapa kuasa
Dan kawan bawaku
tersesat ke entah berantah
Tersaru antara nikmat atau lara
Berpeganglah erat
Bersiap terhempas
Ke tanda tanya
Dia bagai suara hangat senja
Senandung tanpa kata
Dia mengaburkan gelap rindu
Siapa kuasa" - sebuah lagu oleh Banda Neira
Untuk mereka yg selalu mengisi hari-hariku yg jauh dari orang tua. Sayang mereka <3
Selasa, 30 September 2014
These are some pictures of my journey with them.... going to Seribu Archipelago, Indonesia.
Kamis, 25 September 2014
Rabu, 24 September 2014
How I Miss My House' Terrace With Them
Oh Ibu tenang sudah, lekas seka air matamu
sembabmu malu dilihat tetangga.
Oh Ayah mengertilah, rindu ini tak terbelenggu
laraku setiap teringat peluknya
Kini kamarnya teratur rapi
Ribut suaranya tak ada lagi
Tak usah kau cari dia tiap pagi
Dan jika suatu hari
Buah hatiku, buah hatimu
Untuk sementara waktu pergi
Usahlah kau pertanyakan
ke mana kakinya kan melangkah
kita berdua tahu
dia pasti pulang ke rumah -- Di Beranda, Banda Neira's song
This is my hit list for this week. In my perception, it is telling about how do your parents feel when their children start to leave home for a while like going to collage which is far from home town. Really touching, isn't it? I love my parents, much! mom - dad please be safe there :)
They are them, my beloved and always after God |
Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014
Yesterday Night
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014
Mom & Dad
24.08.80 -- there was a couple who said a sacred vow. They promised each other will be together and build a little warm family. Start from zero condition when they had nothing, a private vehicle nor a house. Finally they are living happily more now, Thank you very much Allah. They are my beloved parents. My precious gift that has no price to be replaced.
When I sent a message to my Mom and asked her what did her think after this 34 years life with a shared 'leg'. Here is my Mom's answers:
"Tdk ada makan2 sujud syukur sdh usia 58 d 62 th , Allah memberikan sehat."
-- "No special celebration, just prayed and felt blessed because in age 58 and 62 Allah still give us healthy"
My tears dropped after read this. Amin ya Allah, please always bless them everyday, everysecond. I love them vvery much <3
Senin, 18 Agustus 2014
Good Afternoon
Here I am, doing nothing but waiting. A lot of things in my brain, scrambled. Maybe little bit homesick. Anyway, I have already missed you, mom.
Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014
Little friend
Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014
Our planet called Earth
God trust this Earth (even the universe) to us who has ability to think and feel: "Which way I should take for a better life not only human but the other living things?". We're connected, you can't force to win the human species. Let's think simply: people and animal need oxygen which is produced by trees, but trees need nutrion to run all process (until they produce oxygen) from animal and human. Even some plants reproduction depend on the existance of certain birds, bugs, and mamal.A cycle has been made among the living things. If there is a broken line in the circle, it can not move properly.
We knew it since elementary school, didn't we? Think smart and learn.
Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014
Emotion Noon
A big missing heart sometimes not bad at all. Just feel it and big thanks to Allah who created human with this kind of emotion.
Alhamdulillah :-)
Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014
This holiday, I learned a lot about people diversity. Not only about religion, but also ethnic, nation, principle, physically appearance, blood type, and many others. I believe that a diverse society is very good because you will know a lot about people. Better, you'll see how beautiful the tolerance is.
God create us in different condition, even God never force the people to follow only one belief, as I know in my religion (Islam). There's a purpose why don't all people have a same way of life. This is a simple example: in idul fitri, the Moeslems have to celebrate this holy day. Of course their currrent job will be retaken for a while by the non-Moeslems, so do the opposite situation.
The most important is you trust God, the One that will lead you to a better way. :--)
Happy Ied Mubarak for all Moeslems in the world and thank you very much to whom helped this celebration success !!! xoxo
Rabu, 16 Juli 2014
Great 46